Laser-Cutting, Replication

Making furniture from plywood

August 14th - 20th, 2023ChernihivTolocar 5

Together with the Peremoha Center and KNUCA Lab, various furniture designs have emerged with Ostriv, all crafted using a CNC milling machine.

Drawing from prior experience in crafting plywood furniture with precision, the TOLOCAR team is excited to assemble these creations into a comprehensive catalogue of solutions ( To just drop a few ideas: hooks, pet boards, bar stools, chairs, swinging armchairs, folding chairs, bars, and more.

Rebuild and Reshare

🛠️ Access open source design files, like the Maslow Folding chair made from plywood, on Github for replication:

Github Repository:

Join the Maker Academy

For those eager to delve into CNC milling or refine their skills in any other digital fabrication machine, our Maker Academy offers free basic learning modules:

👉🏻 Explore the world of digital fabrication at (also available in UA:

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