
Garden furniture for Zherebny school

August 8th - 10th, 2023RudkyTolocar 4

TOLOCAR collaborated on an inspiring project to create outdoor furniture for students at a school in Rudky, Lviv region. The initiative stemmed from the students’ desire to establish an urban garden aimed at cultivating herbs, fruits, and vegetables to enhance food security.

The students took charge of the project from conception to execution, demonstrating exemplary project management skills. They independently designed the project and successfully applied for funding through the crowdfunding platform Spilnokosht. Their efforts caught the attention of Plan.Diy org, which enlisted TOLOCAR’s technical expertise to assist in constructing the initial prototypes for further replication.

The significance of the garden to the school was underscored by the transition of the school canteen to a reformed menu that incorporates fresh herbs and greens, ingredients readily cultivable in the garden.

TOLOCAR played a pivotal role in guiding the students through the design process, helping them select suitable materials and tools. Despite facing constraints, the students opted for a distinctive curvilinear design for the furniture, showcasing their commitment to innovation.

Utilizing locally available materials, such as metal strips and wooden bars, TOLOCAR supported the realization of the students’ vision. The metal strips formed the basis for the unique raised beds, expertly integrated with the wooden bars.

We extend our gratitude to Rudky School for the opportunity to contribute to the technical and creative development of its students. At TOLOCAR, we are dedicated to empowering communities through the application of open knowledge, serving as a guiding force for those seeking innovative solutions.

Special thanks to and for their partnership and collaboration in this meaningful endeavor. Together, we are fostering a culture of ingenuity and community empowerment.

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